Verify the Collector Processes Are Running

BTCollector and BTEventDBReaper are started automatically. You can run the following commands to confirm the processes are running.

Verify BTCollector is Running

  1. Run the following command on the Windows computer running the collector:
C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise\DBUtilities>sc query BTCollector

        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 4  RUNNING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN))
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
  1. If the collector is not running, run the following command:
C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise\DBUtilities>sc start BTCollector

Verify BTEventDBReaper is Running

  1. Run the following command:
C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise\DBUtilities>sc query BTEventDBReaper

        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 4  RUNNING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
  1. If the collector is not running, run the following command:
C:\Program Files\BeyondTrust\PBIS\Enterprise\DBUtilities>sc start BTEventDBReaper